Sunday, May 10, 2009

Neat new freebie at Builder's Brewery

Soror and Ali at the Builder's Brewery Show & Tell today.

Jeran42 Claxton of the Builder's Brewery Group has just set an in-world scultpy texture maker out as a freebie at the Builder's Brewery store:

It consists of 64 points which you arrange to make your shape, and then it converts the points to a colored HUD which you take a screen shot of. You edit the screen shot in Photoshop and import it as a sculpty texture. TY Jeran!

Look for a square with blue arrows on each side on an upper shelf in the freebie area.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip, Ali. Jeran showed this at the Lummerland Show and Tell on Sunday and won. I got there too late to see his presentation, though.
