Tuesday, October 6, 2009

ORFEO'S ORATORIO is showing in two fabulous new venues

From October 9 to 14 ORFEO will be included in the IMAGINE Festival produced by the Imagine Network on the mega-sim new UTSA campus. The theme of the Festival is "the future of weather," and the festival sim is divided into four islands representing the four seasons. SL's finest artists are installing their futuristic visions of the weather for each season. ORFEO, with its day/night, life/death , Upper World/Underworld theme, functions as the bridge between the seasons.

Opening on Friday October 9th, 2009 (John Lennon's birthday) at noon SLT.


On September 20th, Orfeo opened on NMC's Ars Simulacra island, which is devoted to exhibitions of the work of performing and creative artists of Second Life. Tayzia Abattoir is the curator of Ars. Music was provided by Joaquin Gustav. This is my largest, most detailed SL build to date, and to have it showing at Ars is a very proud moment for me.


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